The Queen Nefertiti

The Queen Nefertiti

Nefertiti is one in all the foremost ancient Egyptian archeologic work, a bust lubricated - recent sedimentary rock quite 3300 years, the Egyptian sculpture sculptor Thutmose in 1345 BC . Almost, Queen Nefertiti, adult female of the Egyptian ruler Akhenaten. build this sculpture of Nefertiti, one in all the foremost far-famed girls of the traditional world, and an emblem of female beauty.

The bust of Nefertiti was found a German excavation team crystal rectifier implications Egyptology Ludwig Borchardt in Amarna in Egypt in 1912 place the sculpture in many locations in FRG since he was found, as well as a salt mine in bicycler - Kesslnbach, Dahlem depository in city district, and also the Egyptian depository in Charlottenburg and recent depository in Berlin. Since 2009, the sculpture settled in New Berlin depository to currently. Became the bust of Nefertiti cultural image of Berlin, furthermore as ancient Egypt. It additionally sparked fierce discussion between Egypt and FRG over Egypt demands come back of artifacts contraband into Egypt.


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